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Remote language training so that a member of staff who is about to be sent on secondment can be given a crash-course in Portuguese


The challenge

A multinational company, one of the market leaders in integrated healthcare services, had to train one of their employees who was about to be sent to Brazil on secondment.
The person in question, who had no prior language knowledge, needed to acquire the basic skills in order to be able to function both in everyday life and in the workplace. All this in just two months!

The solution

Our DOS (Director of Studies) provided the team working on this project with a specially designed study programme in order to provide an employee who is about to be sent from Italy to Brazil with a crash-course in Portuguese.

We provided an intensive programme for the first two months, in order to achieve this basic objective, and a language consolidation programme, after the employee had moved to Brazil.

Starting level: zero
Target level: intermediate
Time available: two months to complete the first level and make it easier for the staff member to integrate socially and to adapt to their new working environment from the start. The following language levels would be attained within the desired timeframe.

The result

The student was impressed with the teacher that we chose, right from the beginning. The student adapted well to the programme and successfully rose to the challenge.



Milano: P.le G. dalle Bande Nere, 7
20146 - ITALY

Translations: Tel. 02 39290103

Language courses and exams:



Roma: via C. Troiani, 115
00144 - ITALY
Tel. 06 62286759


Interlinguae Srl

Head Office:
Parma Str. F. Cavallotti, 28
43121  - Italy 

Translations: Tel: 0521 503353

Language courses and exams:

P.IVA 01727830349
R.E.A. PR n° 175377
Cap. Soc. € 10.200,00 i.v.



Fidenza: Via Gramsci, 27
43036 - Italy
Tel. +39 0524 754624


Partner Company:

First Floor • 1 Des Roches Square • Witan Way • Witney • Oxfordshire OX28
4BE • England (UK)
Registered No. 7071176 VAT Reg. No.: 984 226300

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